Job PurposeTo perform either avionics, cabin, structure or airframe power plant maintenance work on aircraft in hangar/line areas from a routine and basic level up to an involved and specialized level dependent upon the level of authorization.
General Accountabilities
· Maintain a minimum of one aircraft, general aircraft cabin, general aircraft structure or specialty.
· Maintain a minimum of two aircraft dispatch, two avionics, any of the aircraft system (power plant/ airframe) on four aircraft, general aircraft structure or specialized on one aircraft cabin.
· Specialized on one aircraft dispatch one aircraft system, one aircraft plus other aircraft system, two aircraft structure, two aircraft cabin or one aircraft plus ramp and transit avionics ata knowledge on the same aircraft.
· Specialized on two aircraft dispatch, two aircraft system, two aircraft plus one system on another aircraft, one aircraft plus two system on other aircraft, three aircraft structure, three aircraft cabin or two aircraft plus ramp and transit avionic ate knowledge on one of the two aircraft.
· Specialized on three aircraft dispatch, three aircraft system, two aircraft plus one system on another aircraft, one aircraft plus two system on other aircraft, three aircraft structure, four aircraft cabin or two aircraft plus ramp and transit avionic ate knowledge on one of the two aircraft.
· Specialized on four aircraft dispatch (for special flight services, four aircraft from group or eight aircraft from group b). Four aircraft systems, three aircraft plus two aircraft plus two aircraft system on other aircraft, one aircraft and three aircraft system on other aircraft, four aircraft structure, five aircraft or ramp and transit avionics ata knowledge on one aircraft two aircraft plusa ramp and transit avionics ata knowledge on one aircraft two aircraft plus rams and transit, avionics ata knowledge on two aircraft.
· Be at the assigned area or work area at the start of the shift .Receive and understand his assignment from his supervisor , and review relevant documents whether it is log book , W/O , TCC , E.O … etc.
· Use correct and latest revision of aircraft approved documents such as AMM, IPC, etc. / Use correct GSE handling procedures and be licensed.
· Inform his supervisor immediately if at any time he has a problem in performing the task.
· Enter in aircraft records all work accomplished by him. Observe break times as directed and never abuse the time.
· Inform his supervisor immediately of any accidents or injuries.
· Give next shift technicians a complete physical turn over on spot. Ensure that his badges, licenses and authorization (such as GACA, RAMP license, GSE, etc...) are current.
· Perform any tasks assigned to him by direct supervisor.
Required qualifications
Required English Test
- Standardized Test for English Proficiency (STEP) by QIYAS.
- The issuance date of the test MUST not exceed three years from the application date.
- Other English Tests will not be accepted.
- The test is MANDATORY for all candidates including Out of the kingdom graduate.
Attachment Required
Important Alert
The application will be declined if the above requirements are not attached.