Business Name: Lycoming Engines
Function: Engineering
Reports to: Dir. Configuration Management and Regulations
Position Title: Technical Publications Supervisor
Job Summary:
This position oversees creation of documentation that is accurate, complete, unambiguous, and as concise as possible. This includes supervision of the Technical Publications staff to ensure that the formatting conventions described in ATA100 for civil aircraft are met. Position strives to meet core business objectives, while ensuring customer satisfaction, and industry and FAA standards are attained and maintained with all products.
Responsibilities Include, but are not limited to:
- Direct technical publications staff. Develop goals, objectives, and prioritize workload. Make decisions to hire or terminate, train in methods and procedures, counsel employees and make other personnel decisions as required.
- Direct and coordinate technical manual editing, composition, production and delivery in accordance with applicable specifications, standards, and other requirements.
- Put technical information into easily understandable language.
- Prepare product documentation, such as operating and maintenance manuals, catalogs, assembly instructions, and ensure the FAA requirements, standards, approvals, and schedule are met for all new engine model or other needed publications.
- Work with engineers on technical subject matters to prepare written interpretations of engineering and design specifications and other information for a general readership.
- Plan and edit technical materials and oversee the preparation of illustrations, photographs, diagrams, and charts.
- Work closely with Program Managers to ensure that Technical Publications development of all new manuals are properly planned for all new programs in a cost efficient and result oriented methodology.
- Work closely with FAA Aircraft Certification Office on approval of publications. Assist the FAA-ACO with any other publication questions regarding legacy publications or from other FAA-ACO offices or international government agencies. Address and prioritize revision requests.
- Oversee the sustaining and enhancement of Technical Publications publishing software. Recommend changes on acquisition of new software applications, as required, to maintain the department’s competitive position in the marketplace.